
I find these days moving along quite swiftly. I finally found a job after looking for four months. Nothing extravagant-part time at a hotel, but I love travel and I find myself traveling vicariously through my guests that arrive always asking them about their trip. I haven't been looking at much photograhpy lately as I have been busy looking for a job then working at said job and getting ready for our big move out west. Things are finally coming along nicely and it seems that everything is in reach and going to work out.

Lately, I find myself questioning photography/art in general-and I know Pete has been touching on this subject. I've been reading a lot of Henry Miller and he made me feel a lot more peaceful about my passion which was something to the effect of-most people paint to paint a masterpiece, I don't care whether the painting comes out good or bad-it's the process of painting that makes me happy. I can't help but think that if I were to sell any of my images I would essentially just be selling my own memories and how do you put a price on that and why doesn't everyone just take pictures and and and and yeah. It isn't so much the act of taking photographs that gets me its the consumerism side to it that doesn't sit so well. I definitely want to continue making photographs and to do so I need funds since everything that has to do with photograhphy involves money one way or the other. I initially came to the conclusion that I would just shoot for others and get paid that way, but for the most part that would mean that I would have to completely sell out my morals to do so. I still don't have a resolution and I may just have to suck it up if I want to stay a part of society (which I'm not so sure that I want that either, but until my sister and I run away to the forest...which reminds me, we thought about living in a redwood tree and making a vertical house where there would be rooms hollowed out vertically...so the kitchen would probably be on top and then our bedrooms and maybe the "living" room on the bottom).

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