So this is the first one. Hello. I decided it was time to stop talking only to myself, but to at least write my thoughts out to start a dialogue with the vast internet world. I plan on using this blog to share ideas and images and thoughts. So I encourage anyone reading who finds something interesting to share their thoughts as well.
With that said, lets start talking.

I went and saw the photographer, Jock Sturges, give an artist talk at Watkins College of Art and Design tonight. He photographs mostly females and mostly adolescent in the nude. Of course goes without saying there is some controversy surrounding his content. That aside, the adolescent females he started photographing decades ago have grown up, which he has continued to shoot the females throughout their lives. He has even shot their children and now he is starting a third generation. He likes to keep in the family-well 20 families anyway. He knows his subjects very well, some of which have even lived with him and his own family. As he flipped through the slideshow he would tell the audience about each person or family within the image. And it wasn't that he was just throwing out some facts for us, but that he was setting up a relationship for the subject to the audience. I came out of the lecture feeling like I had just met a lot of new people.
I think this relationship he has with his subjects comes through blatantly in his work. His subjects seem at ease and he is able to capture an amazing image; although, he mentioned that it takes time to get it....lots of time and patience, even years with the same person to get a great image. That's dedication.
He was a very articulate speaker, in fact I'd say he was the best speaker I've seen as of yet. He went off on some interesting tangents to say the least. One of them being how he found some research on siblings and their roles. He said that people have come up with statistics through researching what role a sibling will play based on when they are born. The first born is typically more conservative, they know what their parents like and they know how to please them. They are more studious and tend to live life by the rules. Whereas the youngest sibling tends to be more creative because they have to figure out how get their parents attention. I don't think I can personally stand behind that idea, but I do find it interesting nonetheless. One of his tangents that I could stand behind was his thoughts on the word objective. He doesn't believe it should be in our language and I can agree almost completely on that one. I can honestly say I hate that word. Mostly because people use it as if it is possible to say that a human being can be objective. That one can "see" objectively. We are humans, therefore we are subjective. We all experience things differently, therefore, we could never see something on an objective level. I do think the word can exist in language though, because I believe that objectivity does exist, just not in humans. The entire world is objective. Things exist and they exist objectively its the human senses that experience them subjectively. Okay, I'm glad I got that one out. To most of my friends, this hatred of objectivity comes as no surprise as I am forever voicing my opinion on it. It's just a big pet peeve of mine.
And I think that will close my own tangent for the night.
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